I'm really thankful to everyone who took time to come all the way here for this pleasant surprise. All your efforts have not gone down the drain although I kind of knew what was coming.
I began to smell a fish when he told me the night before that he wanted to charge my digital camera for photo taking during the birthday party. He was never one to be so enthusiatic about taking photos though. The second suspicious item that he brought with him to my house was his laptop which he claimed would be used for playing music.
Sometimes one cannot help but to believe in the power of a woman's intuition, I tell you. I felt something was up his sleeve and I questioned him perpetually, in search of any loopholes in his answers. That was the first time he appeared to be so not confident in giving his answers, super unconvincing! But I could understand his nervousness in arranging everything just to pop the question.
One by one came his friends handing me a small bouquet of 5 white roses each. I couldn't imagine that he really put mathematics, the subject he is so great at into use:
24 May 2009 = Our 75th month = (15 friends x 5 roses) + 24 roses (the date we got together) which he was holding
I really couldn't contain my excitement and happiness when I saw Qian and other friends like Haiqi, Yoke Ying, Shena, Jasmine and Hui Han!
I was looking behind for more surprise guests' appearance but it stopped. I felt a tinge of disappointment when my Toyota buddy, Ivy and Poly buddy, Azzah were not there. I was greedy; I wish more of my friends, people whom I would love to share the joy with were there:
1) Yingqi Duckie - far away in UK
2) Evon - in London
3) Joo - work commitment
4) Donut - thought the whole proposal was postponed! (I only knew about this when he called to ask me about the proposal ppt slides he saw on FB. I was like, what the hell is the Toyota coordinator - Ivy- doing?!)
5) The whole Toyota gang which includes Adrian, Susie, Jissny, Yen Ling, Ruilian, Angeline, Xuefen, Colin, Teck Meng. Oh, actually Donut is also one of the gang members.
Never mind, let's just hope they will be able to make it for the BIG DAY!
Oh ya, not forgetting to mention about the climax of the whole plan - when the man went down on his knee to pop that question. Ok, I admitted that I did something stupid and so-not-romantic by scrutinising the ring he was holding (while still on his knee) and asked, "Eh, is this the ring I wanted?"
I delayed slightly in giving the nod not because I was reluctant to say yes but because I wanted to relish in that kind of feeling. It was only once in a lifetime, you know! And it was weird that I didn't shed tears although I could feel them rolling in the eyes.
Many asked that million-dollar question: "Did you cry?" or "Why didn't you cry?"
Only he knows the reason and I was only too glad that he knows me well. *grins*
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